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Without any plans for the weekend other than to pack my stuff on Sunday evening for my move on Monday, I was free to roam around Shanghai. Saturday, along with one of my Canadian co-workers, my plan was to look for a hiking backpack to use on my upcoming journeys. She was hunting Rolex watches for her family. I have an everyday backpack, too small for overnights, and a big camera backpack, ideal for camera gear but a little heavy for hiking all day. My thought was something you see hikers use that could accommodate whatever I needed to take, which is a combination of camera and personal essentials, like clothes.
Earlier in the week I checked out the only sporting goods retailer here, Decathlon. Those in Massachusetts may remember them for buying MVP Sports and then ruining the business and subsequently closing them all. The ones here are pretty nice, plus they are the only game in town. After reviewing their inventory, it was off to the knockoff mall again to see what they offered. The first place had some that fit me as most are too short for my longish torso. When I asked for better quality, the guy disappeared into the backroom (looking like a contortionist as he twisted his way through a tiny opening to bring me a "North Face" backpack that was pretty good. I felt the quality was still fairly poor and, of course, told him. He said, "But it's a North Face and they are excellent quality." I answered, "It's not a North Face, you just have North Face tags on it." His priceless answer was, "Well, it's still good quality." OK, on to the next stand. At this one, I found a better quality NF knockoff, this time with no NF tags but a reasonable fit. I decided to buy it if I could get my price. He started at $100 U.S. and I just laughed and told him $19. He saw I was serious so he countered with $50. I said, "No, it's $19 or it's no." He tried one more attempt at $35, before relenting as I began walking. I'm satisfied, it will last for my trips in Asia but may not have the lifetime use I would get from a real NF backpack but over here you just can't trust that anything is real.
Note: Lots of photos here but you can click on any one of them to go to my smugmug site and see them all.
Then it was on to lunch at my new favorite restaurant, and an excellent fresh salad, bumping into another co-worker who is a local resident. One the way out, she showed us where an inexpensive ferry ($.28) was that went across the river back to where we were headed. From there, we hiked to my favorite bookstore for a book on Mongolia. Due to the lack of popularity of Mongolia as a destination, the Internet has little to offer so I was forced to buy a book (and pay full retail!).
Then it was hiking around town, getting hot and tired, so we went in the direction of a new restaurant I have had on my list but never visited. On the way, my co-worker decided to go back in an test the watch market at a later hour since she didn't get her price earlier. She emerged with 6 Rolexes! And paid 10% less for each than I did. On to dinner at this Italian restaurant for Tagliatelle with shrimp and a pizza with salami and mushrooms. Good eating! Nice restaurant too.
Back to the Metro to head home, early to bed (10 PM).
Sunday was a day to go into some older areas. Not a lot of words because I'd like to have the photos tell the story. I'll just give the itinerary. I started in the center of town and hiked south in the heat. (Did I say it was hot here?) I took some photos intended to show the contrast you find in quickly growing cities in Asia. Old abandoned buildings, religious places and new sky scrapers. Something like...
Then into an old market where mostly Westerners shop but it also has some local color and vendors. I think this fruit vendor could give the sugar cane lady from last week a run for her money for physical fitness...
Along the way are tired workers like this street side leather repair guy...
or this street cleaner who is taking a break on the job...
There are people out for a Sunday stroll in their PJs (Fairly common sight here)...
A young man hanging out with Dad who's doing some street side card gambling...
A couple with an umbrella to block out the sun (these are the ones that are usually aimed at my eyes.)...
A little girl on the $.28 ferry I took again for the river side photos which follow the young girl...
Also, commerce is still going on this Sunday on the Huangpu River...
Finally, a view of the Bund from the ferry...
This was a walking weekend where I clocked around 15 miles so my dogs are tired. More stories next week after the apartment move and a typhoon.
Funny, I was also at the Antique market hours after you and saw the same fruit cart lady still pushing and selling. Great pics!
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing her cart wasn't a lot lighter yet.
Great pictures- love the one with the lady and the cart.
ReplyDeleteSteve, Trying to get my first post in...
ReplyDeleteNow that you are experience in buying goods on the cheap (fake) I am working up my Christmas list. In the meantime I need:
- A box of 32 pencils
- A dozen Omega Moon watches (preferably fake signed by a fake astronaut)
- Seven tubes of Preparation H (Extra Strength please
- One vintage Rickshaw (1890's era)
- One lucky lantern with a red ribbon
- I fluid ounce of snake blood (for you know what, if you don't, ask a local)
- Oh Yeah, some breath mints
Your Pal,
ReplyDeleteThanks for fixing the comment issue. Now that it's fixed I'm speachless at your antics of making a total mockery of these poor innocent Chinese with your Schwartzenager style action hero methods of moving them around like logs of firewood just so you can bustle on through, confusing and terrorizing them with your reverse logistics elevator shenanigans, and forever taking bread off the tables of locals with your Western style sledgehammer bargaining tactics. Please don't tell me the reason for the sad face on the adorable little girl above is because you stole her window seat on the ferry...;-)
Happy Labor Day, Randy
Randy - I thought my buddy Dave's comments were pretty funny until I read yours. This is an outstanding piece of writing! I've been laughing for two minutes and crack up again everytime I read it. Awesome.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I can have you guest write for my blog without even coming here!
ReplyDeleteI'd put in a Holiday order, but Dave beat me to it! Prep H can be found in the last row both J 132 in AP Plaza....extra strength is in the back storage area. they use it to take the scratches out of the glass faces on the watches.......
Great blog; have fun.
Amazing photos, Steve. Curious that it's so hot and they still wear their *long sleeved* pajamas out and about.
ReplyDeleteKelvin's aunt and uncle are going to China in mid October for a few weeks. Hope it's cooled off for them by then.
Enjoy your time there.