Thursday, July 22, 2010

Last day at Staples in Framingham

A sad day for me as I spent my last day at the Staples Home Office in Framingham, MA. Many great people, many outstanding business successes and many great memories. I have worked in this building since it opened in 1998 and have watched many people grow and prosper as their careers took flight along with Staples rapid growth and expansion.

I got a ton of hugs from many people who I will miss seeing on a regular basis. Hey, even Joe Chernek hugged me! Joe got a souvenir from me which was my 14 year old mug which went with me to many meetings over the years and when it got lost, was delivered back to me as it was well known. Bonnie Valle got my employee badge for SCC from 1996 in which the 41 year old version of me looks like a young kid. It feels kind of weird to think I wont be back in the building for at least three months and maybe even longer. While I look forward to the next step, it's hard to believe this chapter has closed.

I was treated to an enjoyable farewell lunch by a small impromptu group that gathered to wish me well. (We did NOT eat Chinese food.) So now I've moved out of the building and am headed to California for my mother's 85th birthday celebration. Next Tuesday, I take off for Shanghai and will be in the Staples China office on Thursday, 7/29.

It took an incredibly long time to pack and I ended up with way more stuff (and weight) than I thought I would so traveling to China will be another interesting experience.

Thanks again to all who made the Staples and Hopkinton experiences outstanding for all the Spiegels for the past 14 years. Next post in 10 days from Shanghai.


1 comment:

  1. Sorry to have missed you on Wednesday! Thank you for all your support and I wish you and your family all the best in your new adventure! Can't wait to read all about it! :)

